SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS...Dave Barzler, Nancy McClintock, Biv Schnure and Jack Pfunder
SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS...Dave Barzler, Nancy McClintock, Biv Schnure and Jack Pfunder

60 years have gone by since we graduated from high school
so you can bet we don't look the same as we did back in the 60's...

Some of us have more pounds, or less hair, and some...  
actually look better than they did at USC. 

This page will remind everyone of what we looked like back then and the way we look now, as well as update us on what we are doing in this stage of our lives. 
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Andrew Auld

Then photo
Now photo
Occupation: Environmental & Mine Safety Consultant
I'd love to be there and will do my best to make it as long as I'm still looking at the green side of things. I've been back in Florida now since 2001 after almost 15 years in upstate NY, but August in Pittsburgh ought to still be warm enough - at least it shouldn't snow yet, if I recall correctly. ...what a long, strange trip it has been. - level best - Andrew H. Auld

Ron Ayers (Ayers)

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married
Occupation: Business Owner
Worked as a mineral economist for 15 years, then a college professor. Moved to Virginia in early 1980's and live on the family farm. Since 1990 have worked full time with my wife, artist and calligrapher Susan Loy. We exhibit Literary Calligraphy art prints and stationery all over the eastern United States - including the Three Rivers Arts Festival. I remember going there with Sandi Adamson & Co. back in high school. I saw Fred Fox at an art show in Georgia last September, who gave my name to Cheryl. I still enjoy music as my hobby and fondly remember the USC quartet that late morphed into the Wix. I hope to attend the reunion, unless we get accepted into the Mt. Gretna Art Festival.

Dave Barzler

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: restauranteur to be
OK, Cheryl, I give in...brief time at Cornell, 3 years in the Army, one in Vietnam, graduated from Univ. of South Florida in Tampa, 12 years with Gulf Oil Co. (Chevron buy-out in 1985), moved to Birmingham, AL in 1981, MBA at Samford Univ., many years with various national trade associations. Have been married to Nancy since 1982 and have one child, Katie, who is a freshman at the University of Alabama (Roll Tide!) I'm currently in Pittsburgh and working with Jeff Joyce on a new restaurant venture. Looking forward to the reunion.

David Benz

Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Marine Engineer
Graduated Upper St Clair HS 1967.
Montana State University Ski Team
Married Jean Naismith (Upper St Clair 1971 graduate) in 1974
Employed with Teledyne Industries for 24 years.
Relocated Pittsburgh to Atlanta in 1976, 3 children.
Relocated to Pittsburgh 1986
Relocated to Atlanta 1996
Moved to Gig Harbor, WA South of Seattle in 2008.
Sail, hike, mountaneer climbing Mt Ranier, Shasta Mountain and Mt Whitney.
Employed with Pacific Machinery & Tool Steel of Portland, OR 2008-present 2015


Richard D. Bibby

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married
Occupation: Designer
Graphic Design and Fine Art have provided me with a wonderful lifestyle from Key West, Florida to Santa Fe, New Mexico. I am living in Pittsburgh once more for the first time since High School graduation. I have been a Program Director, providing art education for Associate Degrees in Graphic Design. Currently, I am a Graphic Designer for the Port Authority of Allegheny County. My designs are on the buses and trolleys of Pittsburgh. I continue to enjoy creating Fine Art Prints, Watercolor Landscapes, playing blues guitar and I'm looking forward to seeing all of you in the future.

Dianne Blauvelt (Boyce)

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Divorced Children: 1
Occupation: Writer
2006 Entry:

How does one begin to relate 41 years of one’s life in a few brief sentences? Well, here goes: After high school I attended Ohio University where I majored in Journalism and Interior Design. Then I worked as a news editor for a local newspaper, and soon thereafter, became an international stewardess for TWA, living in New York City. I married a few years later. Since then, I have lived in many places and have held many interesting jobs, the best of which is being the mother of a son. He is currently attending Northwestern University as a film major, and hopes to become a film director or editor one day. Presently, I am divorced, living in St. Petersburg, FL, near my favorite beach on earth, working on a book I hope to have published, traveling the world, and enjoying life. I am hoping to attend the reunion in August and look forward to seeing all of you there.

September 15, 2015 Entry:

 Hi classmates!  Sorry I will not be coming to the 50th-year reunion this week-end.  Presently, I am in Toronto for The Toronto Film Festival with my son, Christian, who works for the BBC in New York City.  In a few days we will be leaving for a road trip through parts of Canada, inluding Montreal.  Our first stop: the Canadian Niagara Falls, which I hear is sensational.  Can hardly wait!  Have fun at the reunion!  I'll be thinking of you this week-end!

Paula Blodgett (Thorsen)

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Divorced Children: 3
Occupation: sales
I'm still living in Pittsburgh in Mt. Lebanon and after 13 years I decided I needed to work full time . I am presently working downtown in a men's clothing store which has been a wonderful experience. I have 3 "wonderful" children that are very successful. My boys are married to two lovely daughter-in-laws and both are living here in Pittsburgh and my daughter lives in San Diego, CA.  I have 4 grandchildren an another on the way... which takes up alot of my time. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.

Doug Blodgett (Blodgett)

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 5
Occupation: construction
After working 8 years for United Air Lines in Chicago,Ill., I returned to Pittsburgh spending the next 20 years in law enforcement. I have 5 wonderful and exciting children and have been working with my eldest son for the last 7 years. Thanks to the committee for all of their hard work and time planning this event and this informative website. Still unsure if I will be able to attend however I will be thinking of all of you.

Sally Boyle

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: RN - Home Care Case Manager
Married to the same guy for 36 years. Two daughters. One grandson. Been a nurse for 30 plus years and continue to find it challenging and rewarding. We have lived in the Philadelphia area for 8 years, but still consider Pittsburgh home. We spend as much time as possible at our cottage in central PA.

Janet Bradley (Englert)

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 6
Occupation: CFO/Secretary; Minister; Grandma
WHAT? 50 Years?? How'd that happen?? 2015 Update from graduation to~ Duff's Business College, then married high school sweetheart, who was drafted into the US Navy, we were stationed in Taipei, Taiwan for two years 1968-70.  Total growing experience, with 1 1/2 yr old and new baby born in a 3rd world country! Then back to USC, I was a Mom and homemaker, married over 16 years with 3 children. In '81 I was working as a seamtress, had a house cleaning service, plus employed as assistant manager and exercise instructor at Brookside Racquet Club, where I met the love of my life, Don Bradley.  Within a year I was divorced and remarried (1982).  After a year in USC, we moved to a beautiful lake in Troy, MI.  I had an Interior Design Business and did Professional Modeling.  In 1989, we moved north of San Diego, to Vista, CA, 17 years in our first CA home and 8 years in our present Vista, CA home. I became an ordained minister (Non-denominatonal) in 1993, and received my counseling degree in 1995. I've done tours from coast to coast and internationally, facilitating and doing speaking engagements- but that seems like another lifetime ago. The past 11 years I've been the CFO/Secretary, tax expert for Coating Solutions INC, the corporation my husband started, our son (the baby born in Taipei, who's 45 now) joined the company.  Two children and 5 grandkids live close by, and we do lots of fun stuff together.  The cool thing about being a minister is that I have written and performed wedding ceremonies for our daughter, and most recently for our granddaughter (9/14)!  We have 19 grandchildren, and may be adding two more (our son is dating a divorcee)!  My comments from the 40th reunion said we play racquetball 3 times a week- well, not so much, we play once a week now- but atleast I'm still playing!  Best of all we play doubles with our son and grandson (Let the younger ones do most of the running)- fantastic exercise, it's especially exciting when 'Grandma' wins!  We have family in South Hills, so we get to Pittsburgh once a year (college graduations May 2015).  Just did a 17 day tour to China, 10/14- YEA! I made it to the top of the Great Wall, but almost didn't survive the food!  There's always an annual travel adventure, probably Italy this year.  I will keep the reunion date open and hope to-  'See You in September'!  (Remember that Oldy but Goody?) This is probably more than you wanted to know- but heck- it has been 50 years and ~ I left a lot out!  #Heart#LOL#???!!!